When The Kids Begin Families Of Their Own

We had an amazing time with the Hoover family during their session at the family cabin. It's sometimes an amazing feat to get the whole family together when the kids are grown, gone and starting families of their own. But it's oh so worth it.

We had a couple specific goals for this session. We wanted to create some really impactful wall art for a couple areas of their home as well as a legacy piece which we did in the form of an album with all their favorite images. And we were able to get that all done and hung up on the walls just in time for everyone to be home for the holidays.

If you're ready to book your family session and get custom designed portrait pieces for your family home, you can schedule your personal planning call with me HERE.

Are you ready to experience more from your family session? Hop on my calendar HERE to schedule a planning call & let's design your dream session.